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Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Photography's main purpose is not getting random images from events surrounding and happening around you, but converting moments into corporeal memories, making them touchable and visible for eternity for those who care. It is the photographer's job to bring to the eyes of the world those overlooked details.

It could be your pet, a cloud, a smile, or just a bug passing by your garden. Details and small things are important.

I especially love when people ask me where did I take a picture because they can't recognize the place, the moment, or the thing they're seeing. Or, as a wedding photographer, when couples can't remember the expression on their faces at the moment the picture was taken. Most of the time my customers get more excited with these casual pictures I get hidden at the other side of the room than posed photos, and personally so do I.

The light here gets a crucial role. Because it could be the best moment of the wedding but your camera just can't get enough light to portray it. It's time to be creative and recursive. Using lanterns, sparkles, speedlights, or (why not) your cellphone's light. Anything that can produce light is a resource and you must use it. Even if the result is not as you imagined, it could be even better, just try it.


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